United Kingdom

The UK government has made international development one of its most fundamental priorities and has been extremely successful in getting the support of other major nations. At the G8 summit in July 2005, held in Scotland during the British chairmanship, the leaders of the eight richest countries in the world agreed to write off debts for a substantial number of Highly Indebted Poor Countries, and to double the amount of aid given to Africa.

These committments, which could not have come about without Britain taking the lead, will make real differences to the living standards of millions of people who desperately need more help. Both the British government and the British people who rallied behind the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY and Live8 campaigns should be applauded for their efforts. The coalition government which has recently come to power has also committed to maintaining high levels of aid, and should be encouraged in this committment.

We must make our voices heard, we must demand action from those who claim to represent us.
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